Airbnb offers one of the safest and most secure ways of booking accommodation which is why Ocean Lodge exclusively uses Airbnb as it’s booking partner. Booking Ocean Lodge with Airbnb means you always get the best price guaranteed
How do I know I’m getting the best deal on my stay at Ocean Lodge?
Because all Ocean Lodge reservations are exclusively done through Airbnb, you always get the best price. You can even search the online calendar for the price of any future date at any time, automatically giving you access to the lowest price best deals on Ocean Lodge in Tors Cove Newfoundland.
Where can I read reviews on Ocean Lodge?
See pictures of Ocean Lodge, read reviews, and even book Ocean Lodge online with Airbnb. Only guests that actually stayed at Ocean Lodge are allowed to post a review on Airbnb which means reviews are always real and authentic.
What if I need something during my stay at Ocean Lodge? Who do I contact?
You can contact Ocean Lodge anytime by phone or via Airbnb instant messaging. This means you have 24 hour access to full customer service and support from the moment you make your reservation and throughout the duration of your stay.
Is my reservation secure when I use Airbnb to book my stay at Ocean Lodge?
Yes, your booking is secure. guaranteed, and fully backed by Airbnb. Because Airbnb is used to secure your reservation at Ocean Lodge, everything is transparent, simple, and secure. It’s also easy to check dates, modify your existing reservation, and communicate directly with Ocean Lodge. We’re here to help, so if you need anything just send us a message using the call me form or give us a call anytime
I don’t know how to book on Airbnb. Can I still book Ocean Lodge?
Do you want to reserve Ocean Lodge but don’t understand how to book on Airbnb?
Enter your name and phone number in the call me form below. One of our booking specialists will call you right away and walk you through the process. Let us show you just how simple, easy, and fun it is to book your stay at Ocean Lodge with Airbnb.
I want to talk to a live person before reserving Ocean Lodge. How do I speak with an Ocean Lodge customer service agent?
Want to talk to an Ocean Lodge reservation agent and booking specialist? Fill in your name and telephone number in the call me form below and the next available representative will call you right away.